Wednesday, March 30, 2011

5-Second Post

Laziness, you are my #1 enemy!

I swear, I've been meaning to blog. Really! But life activities and a general refusal to go near a computer after work hours has lent itself to some record slacker blogging.

And now, I'm about to run out of the office (again) in order to tend to some pre-conference activities, which means I STILL don't have time to do a proper entry.

So I'm doing a 5-second recap instead:

(1) Good Idea/Bad Idea: Banana Bread Beer Taste Test Results
In short, it tastes like banana. Not banana BREAD, mind you, but there's a definite banana flavor. Granted, it's nothing you couldn't likely replicate with a shot of 99 Bananas, but given that 99B and I had a very, very, very bad break up following late night while at university, I can't say I recommend attempting it.

(2) Racing Fool
I'm registered to date for the Maryland Warrior Dash (May), the Baltimore Half-Marathon (October), and the Walt Disney World Marathon (January 2012). I had originally planned to run the 2012 Goofy (a half marathon followed the next day by a full marathon through the park), but BHE politely asked that I reconsider. Actually, he said that he didn't want me to die, which I think was a tad melodramatic, but it's hard him down when he begs - he has puppy eyes. Anyway, I need a new training program and mileage tracker, so if you have any suggestions by all means send them my way! I'll make you a cookie if you do :)

(3) Twitterfied
A good friend and I were exchanges stories about married life when we decided that we ought to share (and give others a chance to share) those special moments where it's all you can do to not slap your partner/spouse/loved one. The result is My Ball and Chain. Head on over and feel free to share your story there, in person or anonymously.

Ok, that's longer than 5 seconds. I do have a recipe or two to post, including a tofu dish my sisters and I undertook during a 2 1/2 day cleaning spree in South Carolina.

But that will have to wait until I've finished with my 3 day conference on population research in DC. Try not to be jealous.

For now, I'll leave you with my 2 current musical obsessions: Adele, who I'll be seeing live next month (oh hells yeah!) and Fitz & the Tantrums, whose album I still need to get but I've been wearing out their Facebook site something awful.


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